
This product is compatible with (for example):

M4K2502 Makrolite 4K Video microscope
optical magnification range 3x - 330x with
multi-axis stand, consisting of:

- M4K001 Makrolite 4K basic unit
- EVB021 multi-axis stand without base plate
- EVF focusing module for multi-axis stand
- M4K105 image/video recording module external
- ECL002 lens x0.62 (working distance 106mm)
- S-416 M4K Adapter for Ergo / multi-axis stand
- VECE4KM 27" TFT screen 4K

11,241.35 CHF
ECO-513 EVO-Cam II Video microscope
(Full-HD 1080p , optical magnification range
1.7x - 300x)
consisting of:
- ECH-005 EVO-Cam II video microscope camera head / LED incident light / USB stick)
!!! Basic equipment without lens / TFT monitor / accessories !!!!

5,189.60 CHF
ECO-2513 EVO-Cam II Video microscope
(Full-HD 1080p , optical magnification range
1.7x - 300x) with double-arm column stand
consisting of:
- ECH-005 EVO-Cam II video microscope camera head / LED incident light / USB stick)
- S-041EC double-arm column stand with focus, incl. adapter EVB-90
!!! Basic equipment without lens / TFT monitor / accessories !!!!

6,438.65 CHF
ECO-2511 EVO-Cam II Video microscope (Full HD
1080p, optical magnification range 1.7x - 300x)
with column stand,
consisting of:
- ECH-005 EVO-Cam II video microscope (camera head / LE incident light / USB stick)
- S-006EC column stand with focus incl. adapter EVB-90

!!! Basic equipment without lens / TFT monitor / accessories !!!!

6,203.60 CHF
ECO-2510 EVO-Cam II Video microscope (Full HD
1080p, optical magnification range 1.7x - 300x)
with table stand,
consisting of:
- ECH-005 EVO-Cam II video microscope(camera head / LED incident light / USB stick)
- S-003EC table stand with focus, incl. adapter EVB-90

!!! Basic equipment without lens / TFT monitor / accessories !!!!

6,177.60 CHF
EVO-504 Complete System with Multi-Axis stand and
Rotating viewer (for large components),consits of:
- EVH-001 LynxEVO Stereo Head
- EVZ-040 LynxEVO Zoom 10:1
- EVB-021 Multi-Axis stand (without base plate)
- EVF-110 Focus assembly for Multi-Axis stand
- EVR-060 LED 360° rotating viewer for direkt and 34° oblique view
- EVP-070 PSU

15,030.10 CHF
M4K2504 Makrolite 4K Video microscope
optical magnification range 3x - 330x with
multi-axis stand, consisting of:

- M4K001 Makrolite 4K basic unit
- EVB021 multi-axis stand without base plate
- EVF focusing module for multi-axis stand
- M4K106 Frame Grabber card 4K
- ECL002 lens x0.62 (working distance 106mm)
- M4K105 image/video recording module external
- S-416 M4K Adapter for Ergo / multi-axis stand
- VECE0142 Minitower-PC Intel i7
- VECE4KM 27" TFT screen 4K
- VIS001 ViPlus Software

15,263.05 CHF

This product is similar to:

M4K2513 Makrolite 4K Video microscope
optical magnification range 3x - 330x with
double arm stand, consisting of:

- M4K001 Makrolite 4K basic unit
- S-241 double arm stand with table clamp
- M4K106 Frame Grabber card 4K
- ECL003 lens x1.00 (working distance 85mm)
- M4K105 image/video recording module external
- S-416 M4K Adapter for table stand
- VECE0142 Minitower-PC Intel i7
- VECE4KM 27" TFT screen 4K
- VIS001 ViPlus Software

13,361.90 CHF
ESD mat for base plate EVB022

62.25 CHF
EVO-503 Complete System with Ergo stand and
Rotating viewer (for small components) consits of:
- EVH-001 LynxEVO Stereo Head
- EVZ-040 LynxEVO Zoom 10:1
- EVB-010 Ergo stand with corse/fine focus control
- EVR-060 LED 360° rotating viewer for direkt and 34° oblique view
- EVP-070 PSU

14,657.75 CHF