A black stool with a curved, padded seat. It has an adjustable central cylinder and five casters that provide mobility.
The chair has an oval, black seat without a backrest. It stands on a chrome-plated base with five casters, which provide mobility. The height is adjustable.
The seat is ergonomic with a curved, blue seating surface. It has a black, height-adjustable base and five casters that allow for mobility.
Preview: A black stool with a curved, padded seat. It has an adjustable central cylinder and five casters that provide mobility.
Preview: The chair has an oval, black seat without a backrest. It stands on a chrome-plated base with five casters, which provide mobility. The height is adjustable.
Preview: The seat is ergonomic with a curved, blue seating surface. It has a black, height-adjustable base and five casters that allow for mobility.

Product Family

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Seat height
Max. load capacity

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