The garbage bag is large and has a bright blue color. It has a firm top that is tied together, and contains information on how to use it. The bag is made of smooth material.
The image displays an empty, rectangular sheet in portrait orientation measuring 480 mm in width and 680 mm in height. A thin frame surrounds the sheet.
Preview: The garbage bag is large and has a bright blue color. It has a firm top that is tied together, and contains information on how to use it. The bag is made of smooth material.
Preview: The image displays an empty, rectangular sheet in portrait orientation measuring 480 mm in width and 680 mm in height. A thin frame surrounds the sheet.

This product is compatible with (for example):

It is a black trash can with a smooth, slightly curved shape. The top edge is round and the can has a flat base. There is a yellow symbol on the front.
ESD wastepaper basket, about 14 liters
Diameter 300 mm height 320 mm,
electrically conductive (DIN EN 61340-5-1))

18.90 CHF
The image shows a round, black plastic trash can. It has a wide opening at the top and a smooth, vertical shape with a warning sticker.
ESD wastepaper basket, about 35 liters
Diameter 395 mm height 420 mm
electrostatically volume conductive
(DIN EN 61340-5-1)

45.30 CHF

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