The image displays a ring light with a control unit. The control unit features an on/off switch and a dimmer. The ring light is circular with LED lights and includes a cable.

Product Family

Accessories for EVO-Cam ICON

This product is compatible with (for example):

The image displays a compact, modern camera in light gray with a circular control panel. On the casing, the words "EVOCAM ICON" and the logo of "Vision Engineering" are visible.
EVO Cam ICON Video microscope head
(without lenses), incident light, USB stick

3,744.00 CHF

This product is similar to:

The image displays a compact, modern camera in light gray with a circular control panel. On the casing, the words "EVOCAM ICON" and the logo of "Vision Engineering" are visible.
EVO Cam ICON Video microscope head
(without lenses), incident light, USB stick

3,744.00 CHF